Binance Coin price today.
Get information about the price of Binance Coin so you can make better buying or selling decisions
How the value of Binance Coin evolves
BNB's current ranking on the CoinMarketCap index is #4, with a market capitalization of $52,132,228,700 USD. BNB is available for purchase and sale, with an updated quote of its value on CryptoMKT, and you can also review charts with statistics that will show you its behavior in recent weeks.
What is Binance Coin?
Binance Coin (BNB) is the native cryptocurrency of the Binance exchange platform and powers the Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. Since its inception in July 2017, it was intended to serve as a means for customers to pay lower trading fees on the site. However, over the years, BNB evolved, and today the BNB price fluctuates as individuals use and trade it, for example, converting BNB to USD. BNB was initially launched on the Ethereum network, and during its first offering, 1 ETH was equivalent to 2,700 BNB.

3 reasons to choose Binance Coin
BNB is a scarce digital asset.
Every quarter, Binance spends a portion of its earnings to buy back and destroy BNB held in its reserve, in a process known as coin burning.
BNB possesses a complex security model based on different levels and clusters. Additionally, the funds are backed by a Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU).
BNB's versatility allows users to buy cryptocurrencies like BNB through various platforms (for example, CryptoMKT) and use them for internal transactions, payments, investments, exchanges, etc.